About me

Dr Kerim is a researcher, book author, and lecturer in computer vision and machine learning. He worked on visual object tracking, semantic segmentation, and video stabilization problems. He is a fellow of the British Machine Vision Association (BMVA). He is currently interested in explainable machine learning (XML).

Throughout his academic journey, he published nine research outputs📚, contributing to the advancement of the machine learning field. His commitment to educational excellence extends beyond the lecture theater; he contributed to the curriculum design of three distinct courses🎓. He taught over 10 modules across four universities, showcasing adaptability, and a steadfast dedication to fostering a meaningful and impactful learning experience.


  • [2024] I am starting my new role as Research Fellow in XML at University of Surrey!
  • [2024] My paper titled “Leveraging Synthetic Data to Learn Video Stabilization Under Adverse Conditions” was accepted to WACV!